ZAYNAH by Be Glow

ZAYNAH by Be Glow
Harga : Rp. 295.000
Estimasi : 22 Des

* Dress only, pashmina koleksi pribadi
* dress variasi outer hitam model cardigan overslaag ala kimono yg bsa di lepas terpisah dr dress
* Dress dr bhn diamond crepe lapis furing kaos hyget adem
* Ld 105cm, pjg 140 cm
Cara order hubungi :
Cs Ruzze = Pin BB D45770CC, SMS / WA =08129175618

Order dengan format :
Pesanan#nama#alamat#no hp# pilihan ekspedisi pengiriman#transfer ke rekening

For More Info :
Whatsapp 08129175618
SMS 08129175618
PIN BB CS. Ruzze : D45770CC